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KodMQ βeta

Because development must be simple


KodMQ is a simple and easy to use Node.js background jobs. Everything is included, scheduling, CLI, UI and much more 🎉

Terminal Example



Just run this command and follow the instructions:

bun create kodmq@latest

Installation (Manual)

This installation guide assumes that you are using Bun and TypeScript.

If you aren’t using Bun, you need to replace bun run with node or ts-node in the package.json.

If you are using JavaScript, you need to change the file extension from .ts to .js and remove type annotations.

Let’s get started!

  1. Install packages

    bun install @kodmq/core @kodmq/adapter-redis @kodmq/ui
  2. Create configuration file ./jobs/index.ts. Ideally, to keep your code organized, you should create a separate file for each handler and put them under ./jobs/handlers directory.

    import KodMQ from "@kodmq/core"
    import { Handlers } from "@kodmq/core/types"
    const handlers: Handlers = {
      sendEmail: async ({ to, text }) => {
        // Logic to send email
    const kodmq = new KodMQ({ handlers })
    export default kodmq
  3. Create file ./jobs/launch.ts. This file will be used to launch your workers.

    import kodmq from "./index"
    import kodmqLauncher from "@kodmq/core/launcher"
    await kodmqLauncher(kodmq)
  4. Add these scripts to your package.json

      // ...
      "scripts": {
        "workers": "bun run ./jobs/launch.ts",
        "workers:ui": "kodmq-ui"
      // ...
  5. That’s it! Now you can launch your workers and KodMQ UI 🎉

    bun run workers
    bun run workers:ui


Okay, now you have your workers running. Let’s see how you can perform some jobs.

Perform Job

When you’re performing a job, it will be pushed to the queue and performed by the first available worker.

import kodmq from "./jobs"

const job = await kodmq.jobs.perform("sendEmail", { to: "Andrew Kodkod", text: "Have a good day!" })

Schedule Job

When you’re scheduling a job, it will be saved to the database and performed by the first available worker at the specified time.

import kodmq from "./jobs"

const runAt = new Date(Date.now() + 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24) // 1 day later
const job = await kodmq.jobs.performAt(runAt, "sendEmail", { to: "Andrew Kodkod", text: "I hope you had a good day!" })

// or

const runIn = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 // 1 day later
const job = await kodmq.jobs.performIn(runIn, "sendEmail", { to: "Andrew Kodkod", text: "I hope you had a good day!" })

Core Concepts


A job is a task that needs to be performed. It can be performed immediately or scheduled to be performed later.

Job may have one of the following statuses:


A worker is a single thread that performs jobs.

Worker may have one of the following statuses:


Concept of concurrency in KodMQ is a bit different from other libraries. As we’re trying to keep things simple, we don’t have concept of worker threads. What does it mean? It means 1 thread = 1 worker.

Let me explain it with an example.

When you’re launching your application with concurrency of 5:

kodmqLauncher(kodmq, { concurrency: 5 })
// or
bun run workers --concurrency=5

It runs a single process that can handle 5 jobs simultaneously, but you’ll see 5 workers in the UI.

If you want to run multiple processes, you can just run the launcher multiple times:

bun run workers --concurrency=2
bun run workers --concurrency=3

To make sure things don’t get messy in KodMQ UI, or you want to benchmark performance of different servers, you can specify a name for each “cluster”:

// Command to run locally
bun run workers --concurrency=5 --cluster-name="Local"

// Command to run on server 1
bun run workers --concurrency=5 --cluster-name="AWS 4vCPU"

// Command to run on server 2
bun run workers --concurrency=5 --cluster-name="DigitalOcean 8vCPU"

By default, KodMQ uses number of CPU cores as concurrency, so you don’t need to specify it manually.

Environment Variables

You can use environment variables to configure KodMQ


Jobs API

import { Pending, Completed } from "@kodmq/core/constants"
import kodmq from "./jobs"

// Get all jobs
const jobs = await kodmq.jobs.all()

// Get jobs by status
const pendingJobs = await kodmq.jobs.all({ status: Pending })
const completedJobs = await kodmq.jobs.all({ status: Completed })

// Get specific job
const job = await kodmq.jobs.find(1)

// Boost job
await kodmq.jobs.boost(job.id)

// Retry job (if it failed)
await kodmq.jobs.retry(job.id)

// Cancel job (keeps it in the database)
await kodmq.jobs.cancel(job.id)

// Remove job from database
await kodmq.jobs.remove(job.id)

// Remove all jobs from database (including pending and scheduled, but not active)
await kodmq.jobs.removeAll()

// Remove all finished jobs from database (completed, failed, canceled)
await kodmq.jobs.removeFinished()

// Wait until all jobs are finished (completed, failed, canceled)
await kodmq.jobs.waitUntilAllFinished()

Workers API

import KodMQ from "kodmq"
import { Idle, Busy, Stopped } from "@kodmq/core/constants"
import kodmq from "./jobs"

// Get all workers
const workers = await kodmq.workers.all()

// Get workers by status
const idleWorkers = await kodmq.workers.all({ status: Idle })
const busyWorkers = await kodmq.workers.all({ status: Busy })

// Get specific worker
const worker = await kodmq.workers.find(1)

// Stop specific worker
await kodmq.workers.stop(worker.id)

// Stop all workers (launched in current process)
await kodmq.workers.stopAll()

// Wait until all workers are stopped (launched in current process)
await kodmq.workers.waitUntilAllInStatus(Stopped)
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That’s it!

I hope you’ll find KodMQ useful and enjoy using it! If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to open an issue.

Have a good day! 🐈 🐈‍⬛